With your help, a child with clubfoot won’t be left behind


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When five-year-old Rebecca, from Uganda, first started crawling, her mother realised something terrible – the infant’s feet were curling outwards. She had clubfoot, a condition where the tendons on the inside of the leg are shortened and the bones take an unusual shape.  

The condition is treatable but Rebecca’s mother Hamida would never be able to afford it. Hamida grows maize and beans on a small plot of land to get by and the family have but a small, grass-thatched mud hut to live in.  

“If I look at my daughter I am quite saddened. I cannot stop thinking about the fact that she is not like others. If I look into her future I think she will not be able to work. At five years old, Rebecca’s life shouldn’t have to be like this. Money is hard to come by but the family saved as best they could.’’ - Hamida says. 

They made it to a hospital only to be told the price of surgery was far beyond what the family could afford. 

A few years passed. Then Hamida heard a medical outreach clinic was visiting nearby, run by CBM partner, CoRSU Rehabilitation Hospital. 

CBM Outreach Clinics bring life-changing medical care to thousands of people every year. Rebecca’s mother was overjoyed – knowing her daughter would finally receive the care she needed. 

“This operation would not have come if CBM had not intervened. Thank you! I have never seen or heard about generous people like you. God should triple your blessings.” 

Thanks to someone like you, Rebecca was given a whole new life – and future! 

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5-year-old Rebecca, who has clubfoot, sits in front of her family's hut.

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